2016-2017 East or West, Home is Best
Our 2015-2016 has finally been awarded the European Quality Label.CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE involved!!
Our eTwinning project this year, Call Me Maybe about phones and internet, has been awarded the Quality Label in all our four countries, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Spain.
We have been awarded the European Quality Label for our project from last year, Let's Cook Together.
Our project this year will be Let's Cook Together with our partners in the following schools:
LINKS FOR Let's Cook Together
These are the projects that are going to be carried out this year in the ESO3 and ESO4 bilingual groups in our school:
These are the articles that have been published as part of our collaborative eTwinning online magazine. At the moment we are trying to assess the project using a Google Docs form that will tell all of us how popular and useful this project has been.
The printed version of this blog can be read in the school library whereas the blog can be found in the following URL: http://etwinningvoiceofeurope.blogspot.com/
Here you are the links you need:
As the project last year, International Calendar, was a real success we mean to continue with the same type of activity with the new students this year. Our new project will be called International Calendar 2011-2012. The same partners will work in this project:
So, click here if you want to start working.
In 2010-2011 we started a new eTwinning project with a school in Lithuania that we have been collaborating with for a couple of years. Our project is International Calendar and we want to learn about festivities and the way we celebrate in both our countries, Spain and Lithuania. Samuel Donnelly, our language assistant is also eager to help us enrich the project and tell us about the most important festivities in his home country.
This year's eTwinning project is about places: where we are from, places we have visited and places we would like to visit.
- This is the link to the project.
- And here you will be able to read what our project is about.
- Our first activity will be to log in (as your teacher for your username and password) and introduce yourselves in this Padlet. You can use videos, photographs, text, etc.
- Second session 09/11/2016
Our 2015-2016 has finally been awarded the European Quality Label.CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE involved!!
Our eTwinning project this year, Call Me Maybe about phones and internet, has been awarded the Quality Label in all our four countries, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Spain.
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This is our student Quality label certificate |
This is the summary of the project:
Our students using different methods will enquire about the usage/importance of their mobile phones (frequency, applications, texting, phone calls, etc.) and constant feedback will be received from the partner schools.
- Subjects: Cross Curricular, European Studies, Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Media Education
- Languages: EN
- Pupil's age: 12 - 16
- Tools to be used: Chat, e-mail, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Web publishing
- Aims:The final aim is to create a newspaper and/or online blog where students can publish all their articles about mobile phones trying to get a critical perspective of their importance and usefulness for European teenagers.
- Work process:The students from our schools will decide on the aspects to be dealt with and then they will try to enrich the monthly topics created with their descriptions, charts, photos, sms language, etc. They will make at least one survey about phones that can help to answer various questions from what are the favorable means of communication with friends and parents to what appliccations they prefer in their mobile phones. Students will collect data using different methods: questionnaires, interviews, group work. Communication will take place either using the Twinspace (forums, chatroom) or using social networks. If this last option is chosen, a common hashtag will have to be used.
- Expected results:An increase of cooperative skills and competence. Better ICT competence. An improvement of our students communicative competence in English. A critical view of our use of technologies.
We have been awarded the European Quality Label for our project from last year, Let's Cook Together.
Our project this year will be Let's Cook Together with our partners in the following schools:
- Tryškių
Lazdynų Pelėdos Secondary school (Lithuania) - 12 students
- Gimnazjum nr 23, Poznam, (Poland) - 10 students
LINKS FOR Let's Cook Together
These are the projects that are going to be carried out this year in the ESO3 and ESO4 bilingual groups in our school:
The printed version of this blog can be read in the school library whereas the blog can be found in the following URL: http://etwinningvoiceofeurope.blogspot.com/
-Present-day music in Poland and Spain (Spain)
-Traditional music (Spain)
-How to help our planet to survive (Lithuania)
-Recycling in Lithuania (Lithuania)
-Questions about recycling (Poland)
-Recycling systems (Spain)
-Interviews to sportsmen (Poland)
-Our Best PE teachers (Lithuania)
-Teacher's Day (Poland)
-The influence of the internet (Lithuania)
-Different but United (Poland)
-St. John's day in Lithuania (Lithuania)
-Avant-garde fashion show (Lithuania)
-Fashion (Spain)
-Shoe fashion (Spain)
-Fashion in Lithuania, Poland and Spain (Lithuania)
-Surprise (Poland)
-Surprise (Lithuania)
Here you are the links you need:
- The Voice of Europe - this blog will contain the online edition of our magazine.
- Twinspace - this is the site for communication and where materials will be uploaded.
- Twinblog - this blog written by the partner teachers will reflect the process
As the project last year, International Calendar, was a real success we mean to continue with the same type of activity with the new students this year. Our new project will be called International Calendar 2011-2012. The same partners will work in this project:
- Barbra N'Sir from Poland, and her students
- Neringa Lemeziene from Lithuania and her students
- Ana Arias Castro from Spain and her students
So, click here if you want to start working.

You can enter the project clicking on the links on the right bar of the blog or from here.
Project Diary
As anything else, eTwinning projects have to be renewed and improved. That's why we now have a new partner from Poland that will enrich the project with more information and comments about the European festivities we celebrate.
etwinning label for International Calendar |
We also want to mention that our project last year, Knowing Europe 2009-2010 with a Lithuanian school, was awarded a national eTwinning prize in Lithuania. Congratulations to all the students who participated in it. They all have to share this award.
These are the materials made by the partners in the project. The materials made this year in International Calendar 2011-2012 are in RED:
- Lithuanian students 2011-2012
- Polish students 2011-2012
- Spanish students 2011-2012
- Guests from other countries (so far only to Lithuania) 2011-2012
FINAL TASK - Calendar 2011-2012
- First of September 2011-2012
- Language Day (September)-video 2011-2012
- Teachers' Day (14th October) 2010-2011 presentation 2011-2012
- All Saints' Day (1st November) 2010-2011
- Avant Garde Show (November) 2010-2011 presentation 2011-2012
- Song contest 2011-2012
- New Year (1st January) 2010-2011
- Day of the Lithuanian flag 2011-2012
- 13th January 2010-2011 video 2011-2012
- Pancakes Day-video 2011-2012
- February 16th 2011-2012
- Carnival (February-March) 2010-2011
- St. Valentine's Day (14th February) 2010-2011
- St. Valentine-video 2011-2012
- Independence Day 2011-2012
- Kaziukas Market (March) 2010-2011 Kaziukas Market (March) 2011-2012
- Doing in 2012 2011-2012
- Easter (April) 2010-2011 Easter 2011-2012
- Mother's Day (May) 2011-2012
- St John's Day / Midsummer (June) 2010-2011
- Father's Day 2011-2012
- The Jamboree(June) 2011-2012
- Statehood Day (July) 2011-2012
- Teachers' Day (14th October) 2010-2011
- Independence Day (November) 2010-2011 Independence Day 2011-2012
- Christmas (25th December) 2010-2011 Christmas Party 2011-2012
- New Year's Eve (31st December) 2010-2011
- Grandparents' Day 2011-2012
- St. Valentine's Day (14th February) 2010-2011
- Fat Thursday (February) 2011-2012
- International Women's Day (8th March) 2010-2011
- Patron Saint in our school (March) 2010-2011
- The First Day of Spring (March) 2011-2012
- Air Crash in Smolensk (April) 2010-2011
- Easter (April) 2010-2011
- Easter mini-party 2011-2012
- Workers' Day (1st May) 2010-2011
- Mother's Day (26th May) 2011-2012
- International Children's Day (1st June) 2011-2012
- Father's Day (23rd June) 2011-2012
- Corpus Christi (June) 2010-2011
- Harvest festival (August) 2011-2012
- Beginning of the Second World War (September) 2010-2011
- Interview with Lukas Aruda and Patrick Austin 2011-2012
- San Froilán (5th-12th October) 2010-2011 Film 2011-2012
- Chestnut festival (November) 2010-2011
- The slaughter of pigs (Novembber-December) 2010-2011
- Christmas (25th December) 2010-2011
- Fools Day (28th December) 2010-2011
- New Year's Eve (31st December-1st January) 2010-2011
- The Kings' Day (5th-6th January) 2010-2011
- Carnival (February-March) 2010-2011
- St. Valentine's Day (14th February) 2010-2011
- Falles (March) 2011-2012
- Easter (April) 2010-2011
- Moors and Christians in Alcoy (April) 2011-2012
- Day of Galician literature (17th May) 2010-2011
- Arde Lucus (June) 2010-2011 FILM 2011-2012
- San Fermín in Pamplona 2011-2012
- Parties in small villages (June-August) 2010-2011
- Tomatina in Buñol (August) 2011-2012
- Halloween (1st November) 2010-2011
- Thanksgiving (November) 2010-2011
- St Patrick's Day (17th March) 2011-2012
For the final activity we made a large poster along the school corridor that summarises all the work that has been done to learn about our partners' festivities and celebrations.
Final activity:
- 2010-2011 from Lithuania (two presentations)
- 2010-2011 from Poland
- 2010-2011 from Spain
- 2010-2011 final slide summarising all our work
In June 2011 this project was awarded the Quality Label in Spain and Lithuania. In September it was awarded the Polish Quality Label. Therefore it got the European Quality Label in October. Our Polish partner was invited to an eTwinning conference in Poland. But this doesn't mean the project is over; we mean to continue enriching it during the next year, so that we can get a much better idea of the celebrations we have in Europe.
Teachers' eTwinning Quality Label |
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Students' eTwinning Quality Label |