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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Reading Comprehension text: Internet access in the UK

Original text by Greg Sterling Marketing Land
In a new global Mobile Media Consumption report, it is said that, outside the US and UK, mobile media time spent now exceeds TV. However in the US, TV is still first. The Mobile Media Consumption research  had aboout 14,000 respondents in 14 countries. 
In emerging and especially less affluent markets, the report also confirms that mobile media time exceeds the PC internet. That’s now also true in the US.
In Mobile research
Also consistent with other data, it is said that 61 percent of mobile internet users are on their devices while watching TV. The  figures for the US market are even more pronounced: “84 percent of smartphone and tablet owners say they use their devices as second-screens while watching TV at the same time.”
According to this research this second screening is dominated by social activity, including social networking and texting.
InMobi data
Outside the US and UK smartphones are preferred for conducting most types of internet activities except for “shopping,” which in the report includes all purchases, banking and travel.
The report also finds that globally people are going online primarily via mobile or spending the same internet time using the mobile and the PC. Those who go online “mostly via computer” are now a small minority:

  • Mostly via Desktop — 11 percent
  • Evenly split between both mobile and PC — 28 percent
  • Mostly via mobile — 37 percent
  • Only via mobile — 23 percent

More significantly, outside the US and UK markets, the report says that mobile media now have a greater influence on shopping decisions than TV. TV was second followed by the PC internet.
inmobi mobile commerce
The final portion of the report is about mobile commerce, with the assertion (excluding the US and UK) that “83 percent of consumers plan to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months, a 15 percent increase from where we are today.”
So, in general, mobile internet time is now greater than PC internet time. Many audience segments prefer mobile to PC internet access and mobile commerce is growing.
  1. Do people spend more time watching TV or using their smartphones? Is it the same everywhere?
  2. Look at the first infographic. What does "the media" mean?
  3. What is a "device"?
  4. Where do more people watch TV and use their smartphones at the same time?
  5. What is "second screening"?
  6. What type of smartphone use is made while watching TV? reading books, shopping, social-media, writing emails...?
  7. Are mobile media relevant for shopping decisions?
  8. Do many people plan to buy goods via internet in the next 12 months? Is that your case?
  9. Finally, how has internet changed our life?

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