This blog has been designed to provide information about the activities held at the social studies bilingual sections in CPI Tino Grandío (Guntín,Spain). The English language and Social Studies teachers have elaborated most of the resources you can see but our "auxiliares de conversa" also have their own page and posts. Therefore everyone is invited to have a look .

Monday, March 24, 2014

Adolfo Suárez has died

picture from Wikipedia
Adolfo Suárez, Spain's first Prime Minister following Franco's dictatorship, the man who led a successful transition to democracy, died on Sunday afternoon.

Why was he so relevant?

  • He was King Juan Carlos closest collaborator during Transición (1976-1981).
  • He engineered the process that led to the Referendum to pass the Constitución of 1978 and the first democratic elections.
  • During his term most of the laws from the former Dictatorship were changed and made democratic.
  • The Communist party became legal.
  • He defended democracy during the coup d'état lead that took place on February 23, 1981, when guard Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Tejero and a group of the armed men stormed into Congress the day lawmakers were voting on the prime minister’s successor, Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo.
Read this news in English

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