This blog has been designed to provide information about the activities held at the social studies bilingual sections in CPI Tino Grandío (Guntín,Spain). The English language and Social Studies teachers have elaborated most of the resources you can see but our "auxiliares de conversa" also have their own page and posts. Therefore everyone is invited to have a look .

Monday, May 16, 2011

One of the best school libraries in Spain

Our school library has been awarded one of the second national prices for school libraries in Spain. We are all very proud of it as it is the heart of our school. Many of our classroom activities take place in it. In fact, students of the bilingual section often carry out their activites there: looking up for information in books or in the net, research work, oral activities with our American assistant, reading club meetings, etc.

Therefore this prize is for all of us who make our school library unique.

Galician teachers who received the prize (María Guerreiro and Marta Rodríguez are there)

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