This blog has been designed to provide information about the activities held at the social studies bilingual sections in CPI Tino Grandío (Guntín,Spain). The English language and Social Studies teachers have elaborated most of the resources you can see but our "auxiliares de conversa" also have their own page and posts. Therefore everyone is invited to have a look .

Saturday, May 28, 2011

End of our etwinning project - International Calendar

Our Project this year, International Calendar, has already finished. All the members in our project have uploaded the final activity in our project. Therefore, as the work done this year and the cooperation with our partners has been very good, we want to congratulate all the students that have taken part. If you want to have a look at the materials produced, go to the page we have in this blog for the project.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Map competition

These are the maps that were given in for the Bilingual Sections map competition. You can vote for the best map taking into account the following criteria:
  • layout
  • texts in English
  • geographical and historial accuracy
If you are studying at CPI Tino Grandío tell Maite or Ana which is your favourite. If you are not studying in our school, write a comment at the bottom stating which map is your favourite.These are the maps:
MAP 1 by Elena Fernández (ESO-3)
MAP 2 by Edgar Ares (ESO-3)

MAP 3 by Alba Martínez (ESO-3)

MAP 4 (Second Carlist War) by Victoria González (ESO-4)

MAP 5 (Second Carlist War) by Laura López (ESO-4)

MAP 6 by Aine Rodríguez (ESO-3)

MAP 7 (Independence of American Countries) by Alba García (ESO-4)

MAP 8 (Unification of Italy) by Alba Rodríguez (ESO-4)

MAP 9 (Europe under Nappoleon) by Ángel Pérez

MAP 10 Out of the competition

MAP 11(Africa in 1914) by Lucas Lombardía

MAP 12 (Europe in 1830) by Adrián Balsa
MAP 13 (Independence of American States) by Sofía Díaz
MAP 14 -Out of the competition

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sam's last week in Guntín

This will be Sam's last week in Guntín with us. His stay will finish on the 31st of May so we are already having our last classes with him. We have been asking him about his stay in CPI Tino Grandío, Guntín, Lugo and Spain in general. He will still come to school next Monday and Friday and he's also invited to our summer fetival on the 22nd of June. ESO-3 and ESO-4 students have interviewed him this week and this interview (or at least some extracts)  will soon be published in this blog so that you can all read it whenever you want to.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

School trip to Corrubedo and Baroña

On the 20th of May most of the students in CPI Tino Grandío went on a school trip to the villages of Corrubedo and Baroña in the province of Coruña. There we all visited the incredible natural dune near the beach in Corrubedo and we were shown the natural park around it. We also had the opportunity of going to the beach after lunch. It is one of those beaches that are worth a visit.

Then, before coming back home we also went to the pre-Roman "castro" in Baroña. In this incredible natural fortress the "castrexo" people built their village which really had the best views of the sea you've ever seen. You can still perfectly appreciate the wall around the village and the walls of their small round houses.
Centro interpretación Corrubedo

Corrubedo Natural Park

Students in the beach in Corrubedo
Castro de Baroña
the sea in Baroña

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ESL/EFL New revision sheet for modal verbs

There are two new revision sheets with information about modal verbs for ESO-3 and ESO-4. All the verbs that are studied in class:

Día das Letras Galegas

Lois Pereiro

Try reading one of Lois Pereiro's books as this year he's celebrated. You'll certainly like them.

If you want to know more about this date read the presentation that was made for our eTwinning project, International Calendar.

 If you want to learn about Lois Pereiro, the poet from Monforte de Lemos, try these links: (Galician), (Spanish), (English)

Monday, May 16, 2011

One of the best school libraries in Spain

Our school library has been awarded one of the second national prices for school libraries in Spain. We are all very proud of it as it is the heart of our school. Many of our classroom activities take place in it. In fact, students of the bilingual section often carry out their activites there: looking up for information in books or in the net, research work, oral activities with our American assistant, reading club meetings, etc.

Therefore this prize is for all of us who make our school library unique.

Galician teachers who received the prize (María Guerreiro and Marta Rodríguez are there)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Eurovision song contest - Lithuania - Poland - Spain

The traditional Eurovision Song Contest will take place this weekend in Dusseldorf. Unfortunately, Poland has already been voted out of the final but anyway we may listen and watch the songs from our eTwinning partner countries. If you also want to read or sing along the lyrics here you are the text (and translation of the songs). In fact, the Spanish song will be sung in Spanish as every year.

Good luck and have a good weekend. Enjoy your "Día das letras galegas" holiday. Why don't you make the most of it reading a book in Galician?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Europe Day

It's Europe Day today.

On the 9th of May 1950, Robert Schuman presented his proposal on the creation of an organised Europe.

This proposal, known as the "Schuman declaration", is considered to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the European Union.

Today, the 9th of May has become a European symbol (Europe Day) which, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto and the single currency (the euro), identifies the political entity of the European Union. Europe Day is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another.

If you want to do some reseach work about the European Union you can use the following link to a very interesting webquest at the IES Asorey bilingual section's blog.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reading Club trip to Ourense and Allariz

in Ourense
Those of us who are involved in the activities of the school Reading Club went on a school trip to both Ourense and Allariz.

First we visited Ourense and were shown the city by the teachers of IES Universidade Laboral. Students from this school's Reading Club also went around with us.

in Allariz
Then we travelled to Allariz, had lunch at the IES Allariz with students from the Reading Club of this secondary school and toured around the village.We were told about the Festa do Boi that takes place every June.

Finally we drove back to Ourense where we had the opportunity of seeing the shopping centre they have. Most students really enjoyed this last activity before coming back to Guntín.